I thought about Joe Wilson some more. There are accusations that his outburst is related to racism, and that much of the "nazi-socialist" comments are based in racism. Of course, there was nothing he said, during the Obama's speech or afterwards, that was even remotely racist. However, it would be very easy for me to believe that a South Carolina Republican is racist to some extent. And when I see pictures of 9/12, teabagging, Obama-haters; I see older, blustery white people whose veins are popping with anger. On a personal level, it is easy to accuse any white person of being racist, or rather, it is particularly hard for whites to defend that they are not. Most people tend to spend time with their own racial group, black, white, Asian or Latino. There is nothing racist about that, but for whites, there is the idea that they are exclusionary towards minorities, which is racist. I also think it is hard to be conservative and be open minded to other races. By definitio...