Being sick gives you an abnormal focus by limiting your mobility, your will, and your energy. While I was laying prone in this debilitating state, I watched "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane", one of the worst movies ever made. Everything about the movie was bad. The script sucked, the action was lame, the acting horrible. The worst part was Andrew Dice Clay. No matter what the tone of scene: tragic, melodramatic, tense; he would drop one of his famous vulgar, and in every scene, totally inappropriate, one-liners. I feel bad for every actor who had to work with him. I assume either everyone involved with this film was using cocaine, from the accountants to craft services, which fooled them all that they were making something viewable. A friend mentioned to me that whenever any film introduces cocaine at any point of the story, it is a guarantee that the entire production staff is using. I think a less believable but more plausible explanation is that that Dice had found ...