Squid Envy
Def. Squid An extremely rare animal with a short lifespan. Usually a new sport bike enthusiast with the reasoning of a lunatic, whom you might see thrashing on an R1 wearing sandals, shorts, and a tee. When found lying motionless on the pavement, this creature transforms itself into a stream of blood, exposed flesh, and broken limbs. Hence the squid moniker. S tupid Q uick U nderdressed I mminently D ead I was commuting by motorcycle this morning, a 35 mile journey almost entirely on US-101. Going along the straightaway through Redwood City, I spy ahead a rider flopping in the wind. By the brevity that I close the distance between us, I know the rider must be on a scooter. I am always surprised when I see scooters on the highway. The speed limit is 65mph which is also the top speed of only the most powerful scooters, but when cars are passing you at 10-20mph faster than you are, the only way I feel safe is to go faster. I roll up next to the scooter in the left lane. Right behind ...