
Showing posts from July, 2010

Squid Envy

Def. Squid An extremely rare animal with a short lifespan. Usually a new sport bike enthusiast with the reasoning of a lunatic, whom you might see thrashing on an R1 wearing sandals, shorts, and a tee. When found lying motionless on the pavement, this creature transforms itself into a stream of blood, exposed flesh, and broken limbs. Hence the squid moniker. S tupid Q uick U nderdressed I mminently D ead I was commuting by motorcycle this morning, a 35 mile journey almost entirely on US-101. Going along the straightaway through Redwood City, I spy ahead a rider flopping in the wind. By the brevity that I close the distance between us, I know the rider must be on a scooter. I am always surprised when I see scooters on the highway. The speed limit is 65mph which is also the top speed of only the most powerful scooters, but when cars are passing you at 10-20mph faster than you are, the only way I feel safe is to go faster. I roll up next to the scooter in the left lane. Right behind ...

Johannes Merserle verdict reactions via Facebook updates

"Face down, handcuffed and shot to death...ALL CAUGHT ON TAPE FROM 5 ANGLES... Involuntary? NOOOOO! Do we live in a racist police state? YESSSS!" "There won't be any trouble or riots. They managed to thread the needle" "Some of us live (and love) in Oakland so cool it with the anti-Oakland sentiment, ok?" "Good verdict for Mehserle. Too bad some people are going to tear up Oakland." "lil scared to ride BART today" "STAY OFF BART!!! STAY OUT OF OAKLAND!!!" - that's me