The Solution: Lose Confidence in The President!
I find it amusing to be criticized for liking Obama. I have to be honest, I thought and still think he is a refreshing change from the stupid incompetency of Bush and the duplicity of the Clinton. Of course, conservatives love to bash me and other Obama supporters for our unwavering loyalty. Some liberals too, although they understand if they don't back their man what the result will be ("Yes, President Palin"). I have often said that the criticism of Obama is directly related to politicking for 2012. I haven't seen any solutions from Republicans. I hear statements like "Stop unemployment" or "Obama's war", which makes me think the Democrats are right. But I realize now is the conservative solution is to lose confidence in the Presidency. One thing that conservatives fail to remember is that Bush's Administration was the best at spin. From "Hecka of job, Brownie" to the coverup of Pat Tillman's death, they have controll...