Tiger & Nike

I saw an article from a New York tabloid describing this commercial as creepy, and I think it describes it perfectly.

For me, it reminds me of my own lost youth, a fuller-faced Tiger who is careening into middle-age. A man who participated in irresponsible behavior, suitable for the frat house, not a married man who wasthe spokesman of many companies.

However, this whole affair should have been a private matter. Besides the minor traffic incident, he has done nothing which he owes the public or society an apology. But the massive advertising campaign behind Tiger has created a public image which was not true. He is not the happy-go-lucky family man who is the greatest golfer of all time. He was a serial cheater who is also the greatest golfer.

Having Nike do anything to repair Tiger's image just exacerbates the problem. Tiger's real life is in direct conflict with his media image, and there is no one to convince anyone that the two will ever be in sync again.


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