What's on Fox News?

With all the turmoil, with market volatility, the oil spill, and political upheaval; my channel surfing to FNC had O'Reilly discussing why ethnic studies in Arizona are bad and Hannity talking about a mosque being built 12 blocks away from Ground Zero.

Really hard hitting news.

Watch Rachel Maddow for 30 minutes. The reason why conservatives target her is that she concisely reports the news without bluster.

You may disagree with her politics but not with her reporting.


  1. Wow, Rachel really comes through with a great interview with Rand Paul and how his libertarian views conflict with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Take a look for yourself: http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/05/20/4313688-rand-paul-on-maddow-fallout-begins


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