
Showing posts from 2011

Anonymous Posting - You Know You Love It!

I saw this blog posting in the Chronicle from their columnist, C.W. Nevius, criticizing anonymous blog posting. He had written about the Chenery House , the largest private home in San Francisco. As you can see from the photos, you certainly can describe the decor as "unique" and "eclectic". You will have your own opinion, but mine is it is simply not my style. I looked over the comments left by posts. Most of them were mild, certainly compared to, let's say, the ones on a Michele Obama story at a Fox News forum. But there were were a few that were removed by administrators, possibly they were offensive. I think we all know how bad some of the anonymous posts can be, especially on non-moderated forums. I assume we all respond the same, which is to ignore the nasty ones. If one of the editors of The Chronicle does not care for anonymous posting, why does his paper allow it? Because it drives traffic to their website. Every poster is also a reade

Annoying Itunes Fix #1 - How to group your album songs properly

When adding an album of different artists, click on the "Part of a compilation" box. It should group all the songs together (although I noticed some funky behavior if you try to add an artist.

A Tale Of Two Governors

In the 2010 Tea Party Takeover, the most notable are the several conservative governors. In particular is Wisconsin's Scott Walker, who also presides over a Republican State Assembly and Senate. Seemingly with control of all state government, you would think Republicans have a mandate, particularly over the budget, the primary focus of all people but especially conservatives. But apparently, not all Wisconsinites agree: The protests have gathered momentum. Schools in Madison are now closed for the second day in the row due to 40% of the teachers calling in sick, and many of the students who are now free are also in attendance. The firefighters, who are exempt from cuts (for now), are offering their support. Even the Green Bay Packers are supporting the protesters. Governor Walker certainly sent no roses when his " budget repair bill ", besides the deep cuts, severely limited collective bargaining for unions. While the unions have made concessions and will probably ha

Out Of Control

I had a very long day yesterday. Woke up before 6am for a training ride, then after work, I rode my motorcycle to the Dublin/Hayward area to replace the chain and sprockets. And after I fucked up my repair, I had a nice long ride home on BART. Taking the train late night through the East Bay is not exactly in my comfort zone. This whole week has felt out of control. And why I didn't like it, I accept it. Now that my life has entered its fourth decade, I find interests focused on control, specifically being out of control. I think about control after I motorcycle commute. I push it, usually at 80% of my limit. Fairly high speeds, in and out of traffic, no slowing on highway curves. Of course, I know exactly what my limit is. It is a hard lesson to learn, because it usually involves pain. Thankfully, it has been on my bicycle, where the speeds are a lot less (but I have gone down at 35mph on my road bike). The night I was on BART, it was a little scary. We had driven to two

Rejecting Palin

After Sarah Palin's statement about the Tucson shooting and her role in the matter, I, for the most part, agree with her statements about debate and responsibility. Jared Loughner chose to attack Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and kill six people for reasons we will never truly understand. So Sarah Palin could not be directly responsible for this. I would think video game "Call Of Duty" or movie "Red" would have influenced a spree killer than a simple graphic which put bullseyes twenty Congresspeople for the 2010 election. However, Palin's statement, which begins as a defense of free speech and open debate, quickly turns into a pathetic attempt at the "best defense is a good offense". Palin's post-campaign rhetoric has been exactly that: she will respond any criticism with an infuriating attack, knowing that she is has no one to answer to for her irresponsible comments. Her base of extreme right wing supporters love her unwaveringly, no politician

Is MSNBC as bad as Fox?

I have heard that the two competing news channels are two sides of the same hyperbolic coin, but not tonight. I listened to Olbermann, who over the weekend already " apologized for and repudiated any act or any thing in my past that may have even inadvertently encouraged violence. " He decided to cancel a very popular segment, World's Worst Persons In The World. It is a biting satire, focusing on heinous and obnoxious deeds of daily newsmakers, but mostly politicians and media members. He is planning on bringing it back, but under a different name, one less polarizing. On my quick sojourns to Fox News, it seems like business as usual. O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg spoke about " The merchants of hate who are peddling this stuff should be accountable ", then brought out their usual enemies list of the New York Times, NBC News, and Paul Krugman, a Princeton professor who is a regular guest on MSNBC. Probably the worst part of this segment was O'Reilly exp