
Showing posts from April, 2011

Anonymous Posting - You Know You Love It!

I saw this blog posting in the Chronicle from their columnist, C.W. Nevius, criticizing anonymous blog posting. He had written about the Chenery House , the largest private home in San Francisco. As you can see from the photos, you certainly can describe the decor as "unique" and "eclectic". You will have your own opinion, but mine is it is simply not my style. I looked over the comments left by posts. Most of them were mild, certainly compared to, let's say, the ones on a Michele Obama story at a Fox News forum. But there were were a few that were removed by administrators, possibly they were offensive. I think we all know how bad some of the anonymous posts can be, especially on non-moderated forums. I assume we all respond the same, which is to ignore the nasty ones. If one of the editors of The Chronicle does not care for anonymous posting, why does his paper allow it? Because it drives traffic to their website. Every poster is also a reade